Deca-Durabolin provides extra strength to the tendons and ligaments which is extremely beneficial for bodybuilders and athletes who are training with heavy weights and putting excessive strain on their bodies day in and day out. While users will notice some results when using Deca by itself in a cycle, the results will be much more noticeable and enhanced when you stack this steroid alongside other compounds. The cycles you can create are endless. As you gain experience with steroids, you’ll be able to determine what stacks work best for you and your body.
This steroid stacks well with a number of steroids including; Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Propionate, Anadrol, Dianabol and Sustanon-250. However, the list of combinations does not stop there.
For those who is familiar with Deca already we have prepared the list of trusted providers that sell Nandrolone Decanoate online: Read our Guide
MyLeanBody Team
Deca-Durabolin is mainly used in bulking and off-season cycles but can also come in handy for cutting cycles when combined with the right cutting compounds. It’s time to give you a few examples.
All possible Deca Durabolin Cycles
The first cycle we have outlined is used for cutting and stacks; Deca-Durabolin with Testosterone Cypionate and Winstrol. The cycle runs for eight weeks and combines two injectables with one oral steroid.
Week | Deca Durabolin | Test Cypionate | Winstrol |
1 | 200mg per week | 150mg per week | 50mg per day |
2 | 200mg per week | 150mg per week | 50mg per day |
3 | 200mg per week | 150mg per week | 50mg per day |
4 | 200mg per week | 150mg per week | 50mg per day |
5 | 200mg per week | 150mg per week | 50mg per day |
6 | 200mg per week | 150mg per week | 50mg per day |
7 | 200mg per week | 150mg per week | 50mg per day |
8 | 200mg per week | 150mg per week | 50mg per day |
Our next cycle will provide lean mass results will little, if any, water retention. The cycle stacks; Deca-Durabolin with Turinabol and Testosterone Enanthate and is a bit longer, lasting twelve weeks.
Week | Deca-Durabolin | Test Enanthate | Turinabol |
1 | 600mg per week | 500mg per week | 60mg per day |
2 | 600mg per week | 500mg per week | 60mg per day |
3 | 600mg per week | 500mg per week | 60mg per day |
4 | 600mg per week | 500mg per week | 60mg per day |
5 | 600mg per week | 500mg per week | 60mg per day |
6 | 600mg per week | 500mg per week | 60mg per day |
7 | 600mg per week | 500mg per week | 60mg per day |
8 | 600mg per week | 500mg per week | 60mg per day |
9 | 600mg per week | 500mg per week | ————– |
10 | 600mg per week | 500mg per week | ————– |
11 | ————– | 500mg per week | ————– |
12 | ————– | 500mg per week | ————– |
Next is the classic mass builder which stacks; Deca-Durabolin with Sustanon-250 and Dianabol. The cycle runs for ten weeks and is outlined below:
Week | Deca-Durabolin | Sustanon-250 | Dianabol |
1 | 400mg per week | 500mg per week | 30mg per day |
2 | 400mg per week | 500mg per week | 30mg per day |
3 | 400mg per week | 500mg per week | 30mg per day |
4 | 400mg per week | 500mg per week | 30mg per day |
5 | 400mg per week | 500mg per week | 30mg per day |
6 | 400mg per week | 500mg per week | ————– |
7 | 400mg per week | 500mg per week | ————– |
8 | 400mg per week | 500mg per week | ————– |
9 | ————– | 500mg per week | ————– |
10 | ————– | 500mg per week | ————– |
During the off-season, an eight week cycle that stacks; Deca-Durabolin with Anadrol and Proviron can be very beneficial when diet and training are on point.
Week | Deca-Durabolin | Anadrol | Proviron |
1 | 400mg per week | 50mg per week | ————- |
2 | 400mg per week | 50mg per week | ————- |
3 | 400mg per week | 50mg per week | 25mg per day |
4 | 400mg per week | 50mg per week | 25mg per day |
5 | 400mg per week | 50mg per week | 25mg per day |
8 | 400mg per week | ————– | ————– |
Deca 300 by Dragon Pharma
Deca 300 by Dragon Pharma
Benefits of Stacking Deca-Durabolin
Deca Durabolin results in large build-ups in lean muscle mass, this is how most associate the steroid, but it’s not as cut and dry as you might think. Yes, Deca Durabolin results in the promotion of lean muscle mass, but it’s not magic and still requires you to eat and train hard.
Deca Durabolin is a slow acting steroid and it will take patience to see results. There are steroids that can promote mass at a much faster rate, but we’re generally talking about water retention, not actual muscle mass. If you use a steroid like Anadrol or Dianabol you can easily gain as much as twenty or even thirty pounds in a few weeks, but this doesn’t mean you have gained thirty pounds of actual muscle mass. Once Anadrol or Dianabol are discontinued, you will learn the truth fast, as your weight will quickly and dramatically drop. However, Deca Durabolin results in far more stable and true gains in size. Simply put, this means the actual muscle mass you can hold onto assuming you continue to train and eat properly.
This steroid does come with negative side effects but is said to be well tolerated by both men and women when used cautiously in a cycle. Deca-Durabolin can be used not only in cutting and bulking cycles, but can also be used for pre-contest cycles as well.
Deca-Durabolin will provide amazing results to those who stack this powerful steroid with other powerful compounds. Of course using this steroid alongside others is more common than running solo cycles of Deca. This steroid will make other steroids in a cycle work that much better.
Post Cycle Therapy
Post Cycle Therapy or “PCT” is an essential process that people go through once they’ve finished a cycle of steroids. The objective is to get their body back to its normal state so it can start naturally producing hormones again. Once a run of steroids is over, a user will start their post-cycle therapy.
PCT is essential to prevent long-term impairment of Testosterone production in the body. Without PCT, Testosterone levels may never return to normal and replacement therapy may be required permanently.
Some may start PCT as early as two or three days after their last pill or injection is taken. Start times are not set in stone and will vary from person to person depending on the length of the cycle and what steroids were taken at what dosages. Obviously, with a longer cycle, you’ll need a longer recovery period of PCT. Post Cycle Therapy after a Deca Durabolin cycle should start three weeks after the last injection and last four weeks.
PCT uses either Clomid or Nolvadex although some individuals will use both during this time. Clomid and Nolvadex both come with side effects that may include; headaches, nausea and an upset stomach. These side effects will vary from person to person depending on his or her tolerance level. Whether choosing one over the other or choosing to use both for PCT, it’s common to start with higher doses of both drugs and taper the dosage down until your PCT comes to an end.
Clomid doses are typically 50mg per day, while Nolvadex doses are 40mg per day for a period of four weeks. Some individuals will incorporate one or both of these drugs in their steroid cycle and continue PCT once the steroid cycle is complete. This is done on a case-by-case basis and depends on personal preference.
What to Expect from PCT
Don’t expect to hit the gym as viciously when you are off your steroid cycle and running post cycle therapy. Muscle gains will not be lost when you come off the cycle. Individuals may feel tired or not so pumped up to workout, but that is only natural. Keeping a positive mindset when running your post cycle therapy is essential. Remember, this is the time your body needs to regroup and recharge ready for the next steroid cycle. Time off allows both your body and mind to strategically create your next cycle, plan it out and crush your goals towards the body you have worked hard for.
Whether cutting, bulking or in a pre-contest phase, Deca-Durabolin is a versatile steroid that can be stacked in any cycle and provide amazing, eye-catching results. Cycles that are created carefully and with serious thought will far outweigh those that are just thrown together without proper research and time.
This steroid can be used by men and women and is tolerated quite well when used in moderation. Advanced steroid users are always going to dose higher than individuals who do not have as much experience and knowledge of each steroid and what it can do for the body as well as the end results.
Before running a cycle with Deca-Durabolin, write down what exactly you are trying to accomplish. Foolishly running a cycle is not only a waste of time, but a huge waste of money. Those who are afraid of needles may want to get their feet wet with an oral cycle to start. Eventually, to see the maximum results of any cycle, combining orals and injectables is almost always a must. Make sure your diet and training are a part of your everyday routine or else the steroid cycle is going to be useless. Only you have the power to transform the body, mind and soul. What are you waiting for? How will your body ever change if you don’t make the first move and start your steroid cycle?
Check out more articles about Deca (true and useful content only)
Comparison of Deca Durabolin with Testosterone and Estrogen
Side Effects of Deca Durabolin
Use of Deca Durabolin for Medical Purposes
Administering Deca Durabolin in the Right Way: Nandrolone doses for maximum effect without damage to health
Deca Durabolin Cycle for Beginners: Only or with Test?